1. The document must be composed in MS Word format, the text must be in Russian and in English.
2. The title (name) of the file must begin with the number of the technical session, then, after an underscore, there must be an indication of the date of presentation in accordance with the conference programme, the author’s surname, and the word 'report'.
Example: 'ТС1_171 020_Иванов АВ_доклад'
Technical session numbers:
TC1 — New Sources of Energy and Flexibility
TC2 — Distributed Power Generation: Microgrids, Aggregators, Communities
TC3 — Hydrogen Energy and Industry Synergy
TC4 — New Market Design and New Services
TC5 — Digital Electrical Distribution System
TC6 — End-to-End Technologies — Cybersecurity

3. The title of the report must be specific, and the topic and subject of the work done by the author (or authors) must be clearly indicated.
4. The text must be proofread before being sent to the Technical Committee to avoid spelling, punctuation, grammatical, and stylistic errors. To indicate special designations of physical quantities, subscript and superscript numbers must be used (for example, CO2 or m2).
5. Physical quantities and their designations must be given in the SI system.
6. Any uncommon abbreviations, or those unique to the author (s), may be introduced into the text only with a transcript following their first mention. Example: '…active energy complex (AEC)…'.
7. Figures, diagrams, etc. must be provided as separate files in one of the following formats: bit-mapped tif, jpg, png; vector cdr (Corel Draw), dwg (AutoCAD), or eps (Adobe Illustrator).
8. The report’s body text must contain no more than 25,000 characters with spaces (no more than 10 A4 pages, including illustrations).
9. Recommended report structure:
 — Problem statement.
 — Review and analysis of existing points of view on the problem and options for its solution.
 — The author’s own point of view (opinion) on the topic and proposed solution to the problem.
 — The results of the experience gained or the research carried out.
 — Proposals for the further use of the results.

10. The formatting requirements for the document are given in the sample.

Reports (articles) must be sent to info@internetofenergy.ru no later than 20 November 2020.
Reports (articles) that do not meet the above requirements must not be accepted for consideration by the Technical Committee.
The submission of the report (article) implies the consent of the author (s) to publish the report on the energynet.ru website and in the conference book of reports.
Requirements for the composition of reports (articles)
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