Working group leaders

O. V. Grinko

Leader (co-head) of the working group, General Director, T-System LLC

Deputy working group leaders
Executive secretary of the working group
Working group members

EnergyNet working group

The participants of the working group for the development and implementation of the EnergyNet Roadmap of the National Technology Initiative were approved by Protocol No.3 dated 22 June 2016 of the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Development and Implementation of the National Technology Initiative under the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernisation and Innovative Development of Russia.

Deputy co-head of the working group. Director, Department of State Energy Policy, Ministry of Energy of Russia

A. I. Kulapin

Deputy leader (co-head) of the working group, Head of the EnergyNet Infrastructure Centre

D. V. Kholkin

Deputy leader (co-head) of the working group. General Director, Smart Power Grids LLC

A. M. Chaly

Project manager
LLC T-System
A. S. Dolgov

Deputy Chairperson of the Board, NP Market Council

O. G. Barkin

Deputy General Director for Strategy, Innovations and Prospective Development, RusHydro PJSC

R. N. Berdnikov

Head of direction the EnergyNet Infrastructure Cente

B. A. Bokarev

Executive Director of the Institute of Arctic Technology of MIPT

Yu. V. Vasilyev

Head of General and Strategic Management Department, National Research University Higher School of Economics

I. O. Volkova

Head of the Department of Relay Protection and Automation of Power Systems, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute

A. A. Voloshin

Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales, Tavrida Electric SC JSC

V. V. Vorotnitsky

Vice President, Executive Director, Energy Efficient Technologies Cluster
Skolkovo Foundation
O. M. Dubnov

Assistant, Department of Industry and Infrastructure, Executive Office of the Government of the Russian Federation

V. V. Kovalchuk

First Deputy General Director / Director for Corporate Development and International Business, Rosatom

K. B. Komarov

Deputy Chief Engineer
PJSC Rosseti
G. K. Gladkovsky

Head of the Corporate and Property Relations Unit of Inter RAO PJSC

T. A. Merebashvili

Competence Center for Technological Development of the Fuel and Energy Complex FGBU "REA"
O. V. Zhdaneev

First Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Energy, State Duma of the Russian Federation

V. S. Seleznev

Yu. P. Sorokin
Co-Head of the Working Group
Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Energy of Russia
Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board, System Operator of the United Power System JSC
F. Yu. Opadchiy
General Director
E. A. Olhovich
Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board, RUSNANO MANAGEMENT COMPANY LLC
Ya. A. Udaltsov

Working group leader

D. V. Kholkin

Head of EnergyNet Infrastructure Centre

Working group members

Working group, EnergyNet Regulatory Issues (LSI)

One of the key tasks of the EnergyNet roadmap is to implement measures to improve legislation and eliminate administrative barriers to the implementation of the EnergyNet action plan. In accordance with Order No.1184 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 28 September 2017, "On the Procedure for Development and Implementation of Action Plans ("Roadmaps") to Improve Legislation and Eliminate Administrative Barriers for the Implementation of the National Technology Initiative and Amendment of Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation", the corresponding EnergyNet working group on LSI has been established.

Managing Partner of the Foresight Strategic Energy Development Foundation

A. Yu. Abramov

Deputy Chairperson of the Board, NP Market Council

O. G. Barkin

Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales, Tavrida Electric SC JSC

V. V. Vorotnitsky

Acting Deputy Director of the Department for the State Regulation of Tariffs, Infrastructure Reforms, and Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

A. V. Gabov

Chairperson of the Board, Association of Guaranteed Suppliers and Energy Service Companies

N. V. Nevmerzhitskaya

Independent Expert

E. A. Olkhovich

Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board, System Operator of the United Power System JSC

F. Yu. Opadchiy

Head of the Department for External Relations and Strategy, Community of Energy Consumers Association

I. Yu. Ryapin

General Director, RTSoft JSC

O. V. Sinenko

Director of the Department of Electric Power Development, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation

P. N. Snikkars

Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, Energy Consumers Association, partner of First Imagine! Ventures

A. G. Starchenko

Deputy Chairperson of the Executive Board, Rusnano Management Company LLC

Yu. V. Udaltsov

Independent Expert

D. A. Korev

First Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma Committee on Energy

S. Ya. Yesyakov

Director for Normative and Methodological ­Support, RVC JSC NTI

M. P. Yafarova

Executive Secretary of the Working Group, Head of Projects to Develop Regulatory Infrastructure of NTI, RVС JSC

O. S. Davydova

EnergyNet Competence Centres

The NTI Competence Centre is a structural unit established on the basis of a university or scientific organisation, which carries out the comprehensive development of "end-to-end" NTI technologies together with consortium members on the basis of a consortium formation agreement.

Technologies for power transmission and distributed smart energy grids

The centre's programme is aimed at developing end-to-end technologies in the field of distributed energy, including human resources and infrastructure support for complex R&D projects, developing technologies and products in the field of distributed smart grids, implementing educational programmes for training scientific and engineering personnel in the interests of the National Technology Initiative markets, and creating a testing ground for R&D in the field of digital substations, digital electric meters, and universal measurements.

Site of Centre

MPEI National Research University

Head of Centre

A. A. Voloshin

The centres are established in partnership with Russian and foreign organisations (universities and leading scientific organisations, commercial partners), which are involved in posing research problems. The work of the NTI Central Committee is carried out in accordance with network principles: joint work of a distributed team, including technology commercialisation partners.


Stand-alone generation

The centre focuses on applied development, design, prototyping, engineering and full-scale testing, as well as support for the introduction of fundamentally new power plants and systems for the benefit of industrial customers interested in introducing innovative products into both Russian and international markets.

Key areas:

— Decentralised smart grids, microgrid

— Customer services and smart systems for customer relations management

— Comprehensive solutions for hard-to-reach and isolated areas, including the Arctic

Site of Centre

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Head of Centre

Yu. V. Vasilyev

Technologies for new and mobile energy sources

The centre was established to overcome a number of technological barriers within the selected "end-to-end" technology for the EnergyNet market:

A durable energy storage unit with low energy consumption costs. Resource life — at least 4,000 cycles, service life — at least 12 years. The cost of energy capacity is not more than $350 per kWh, the present life cycle storage cost (LCOS) is no more than $300 per MWh.

Site of Centre

Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences

Head of Centre

Yu. A. Dobrovolsky


Smart distributed energy

The centre focuses on:

— Providing services for a feasibility study on the creation and development of power grids with distributed energy resources

— Developing models for the calculation of electrical modes, as well as control and optimisation models for power grids with distributed energy resources

— Developing programmes and practical exercises on the use of tools for modelling power grids with distributed energy resources
Site of Centre


Head of Centre

I. A. Bruma


Standardisation and compliance assessment

The centre focuses on:

— Advisory support for the promotion of EnergyNet roadmap projects

in both domestic and foreign markets using national, interstate (regional) and international standardisation and conformity assessment mechanisms

— Organising the work of the professional community in the activities of the Technical Committees for Standardisation of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO).

— Cooperation to remove technological barriers to EnergyNet projects in terms of standardisation, technical regulation, and conformity assessment in Russia as well as in foreign markets

Site of Centre

All-Russian Research Institute for Standardisation and Certification in Mechanical Engineering

Head of Centre

A. V. Ivanov


EnergyNet Expert and Analytical Centre

The centre focuses on:

— EnergyNet global market forecasts

— Monitoring technological trends, comparative analysis of the technological level in Russia and abroad

— State-of-the-art patent analytics tools (industry patent landscape and patent technical intelligence)

— Expert support in choosing effective strategies and methods of patent protection for Russian products to be exported

Site of Centre

Russian Energy Agency

Head of Centre

A. V. Konev

EnergyNet Energy Cybersecurity

The centre aims to provide expertise in the following areas:

— Cybersecurity

— Information security

— APCS information security

— IоТ information security

Site of Centre

Consortium of companies

Head of Centre

G. A. Shebuldaev

Chairperson of the ATC

D.V. Kholkin

Head of EnergyNet Infrastructure Centre

Secretary of the ATC

Members of the ATC

The Architectural and Technology Committee (hereinafter referred to as the ATC) is organised under the National Technology Initiative (NTI) EnergyNet Working Group for the purpose of providing expert evaluation of projects that apply for support from the National Technology Initiative.

Projects are assessed according to the following criteria:

— Compliance with EnergyNet target market development vision, current and future needs

— Scientific, technological, engineering, and technical novelty of the proposed solution/product/service

— Technical feasibility of the project

Leading Expert at EnergyNet Infrastructure Centre

I. A. Burdin

Head of the Department of Relay Protection and Automation of Power Systems, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute

A. A. Voloshin

Independent Expert

V. V. Dorofeev

Technical Director in Power Engineering, RTSoft JSC

A. A. Nebera

Head of the Consulting and Modelling Group, RTSoft JSC

A. R. Verigo

Advisor to the General Director, RASU JSC

R. V. Neustupkin

Chief Designer of Autonomous Hybrid Power Supply Systems, Institute of Arctic Technology MIPT

I. L. Ozernykh

Adviser to the General Director, Technical Inspection of UES

R. M. Khaziahmetov

Head of the Department for External Relations and Strategy, Community of Energy Consumers Association

I. Yu. Ryapin

Director of the Analytical Division, EnergyNet Infrastructure Centre

I. S. Chausov

Independent Expert

D. A. Korev

Assistant Professor Center for Energy Science and Technology Skoltech

P. G. Vorobiev

Leading Researcher, ICS RAS

S. P. Kovalev

Deputy Director of the Technical Policy Department, Rosseti PJSC

G. K. Gladkovsky

Architectural and Technological Committee of EnergyNet

Working group leaders

G. A. Shebuldaev

Leader (co-head) of the working group, Head of New Product Development Department, Kaspersky Laboratory

Working group members

EnergyNet working group on cybersecurity

The EnergyNet working group on cybersecurity provides consulting services and expertise in the area of energy cybersecurity

А. V. Petukhov

Co-head of the working group, Head of Industrial CyberSecurity, Kaspersky Laboratory

Deputy Head of Department, IC SIBINTEK LLC

A. Yu. Gurevich

Independent Expert

A. A. Borovskiy

Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Ministry of Internal Affairs, Head of ICS Cybersecurity Department-BDM, MPEI NTI, FSBEI of Higher Education MPEI NTI

V. G. Karantaev

Head of Protection of APCS and CII, Jet Infosystems JSC

A. I. Karpenko

Director of Intelligent Grids LLC

M. V. Nikandrov

Director of the Research and Academic Centre for New Information and Analytical Technologies, Russian State University of Oil and Gas

D. I. Pravikov

Director of the Expert and Analytical Centre of InfoWatch Group, InfoWatch JSC

M. B. Smirnov

Director of the Project Management Department, InfoWatch ARMA

A. Yu. Yurshev

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