
In the framework of the NTI, financial support is provided to technology companies and teams that have proposed the project in accordance with the directions and activities of the EnergyNet roadmap and also undergone the necessary selection procedures

The NTI Technological Breakthrough program is designed for teams of researchers, small- and medium-sized technology companies and research centres developing breakthrough products in NTI markets. Grant and investment support in the amount of up to RUB 165 million is envisaged for them.

NTI Technological Breakthrough programme

The NTI Infrastructure programme is aimed at developing infrastructure projects for the NTI markets — testing grounds, engineering, and certification centres, data libraries, accelerators — and provides the opportunity to receive grants and investments worth up to RUB 495 million.

NTI Infrastructure programme

The NTI Spin-off programme is designed to support the creation of new businesses in the field of NTI on the basis of large technology corporations. The available tools consist in partial subsidising of target loan interest rates and capital investment in project companies (SPV) in the amount of up to RUB 495 million.
NTI Spin-off programme
The NTI Export programme is designed for medium-sized and major companies during the final stage of development and market launch of export product solutions. A possible means of support is in the form of grants and investments worth up to RUB 495 million.
NTI Export programme
Since 2016, the Foundation for Innovation has been organising competitions as part of the UMNIK programme together with the National Technology Initiative (NTI) Working Groups.
Winners of the UMNIK program, including the UMNIK-NTI competitions, receive a grant of RUB 500,000 for 2 years.
UMNIK-EnergyNet Programme of the Foundation for Innovation
Support of R&D for implementation of the National Technology Initiative action plans. The selection of projects takes into account the focus of R&D on priority thematic areas formulated by the NTI EnergyNet Working Group and taking into account technological barriers.
The grant amount is up to RUB 20 million
NTI Development Programme of the Foundation for Innovation
In the framework of NTI, regulatory barriers and legal restrictions for the development of new markets of the EnergyNet NTI are identified and removed, and measures are taken to encourage the creation of new organisations operating in key segments of the EnergyNet market, as well as to strengthen the position of Russian organisations in the international market within the key segments of the EnergyNet market.

Regulatory restrictions may consist in:
 — The absence of legal and technical regulation necessary for providing legal support of the market launch of new EnergyNet products and the launch of new business activities for the implementation of new business models;
 — The absence of regulations that provide conditions for the development and promotion of advanced technological solutions;
 — The application of regulatory legal acts whose provisions do not respond to the challenges and development priorities in the field of science and technology etc.

If you have any suggestions with regard to amending regulations in key segments of the EnergyNet market, please send your suggestions in the format of draft regulations and explanatory notes using the form given below.
According to the EnergyNet Roadmap, an active energy complex (AEC) is a power system that is electrically connected within the limits of the balance sheet, which includes energy receiving, generating, storing (if available), power grid equipment, control system, and an entity that manages this power system as a single complex in order to meet energy needs.

The legal status of functioning of active energy complexes within the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia and the specific features of their participation in the markets of electric energy, capacity and related services are established by Resolution No.320 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 21 March 2020.

Please send your suggestions for improving AEC regulation using the form given below.
Electric energy storage system (ESS) is a facility within the electric power industry — a type of generating equipment that provides conversion of electric energy (consumption) into a form of energy that can be stored, as well as the storage of this energy and its subsequent conversion back into electric energy (generation).

Currently, work is underway to ensure that ESS can participate in the wholesale and retail electricity and capacity markets.

Please send your suggestions for the regulation of these relations, for increasing the attractiveness of ESS use by existing participants in the electricity and capacity markets, and other related issues, using the form given below.
Demand aggregators are participants of the wholesale electricity market who manage (directly or indirectly) the equipment of a group of consumers to sell the aggregate of regulatory capabilities of these consumers as a single object as a product/service on the wholesale market and/or system services market.

The conditions for implementing the pilot project for the creation (development) of supply and demand response aggregators to combine consumers with controlled loads, distributed generation and storage facilities for their joint participation in the wholesale and retail electricity markets are defined by Resolution No.287 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 20 March 2019.

If you have any suggestions for detailing the conditions for electricity demand management aggregators to participate in the purchase and sale of electricity and capacity and other related issues, please use the form given below.
Within this area, suggestions are being considered to address the issue of reliability and quality of energy supply to consumers through the introduction of digital energy technologies in grid operators.

Scenario conditions for implementing an experiment (pilot project) to improve the reliability and quality of power supply to consumers through the introduction of new digital technologies and optimisation of grid operators in at least 2 regions of the Russian Federation have been developed and will soon be approved by an order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Please send your suggestions in this area using the form given below.
The accumulation of electric energy in the hydrogen cycle for the purpose of subsequent supply of hydrogen as an energy carrier to export markets is one of the most promising areas of development of the energy storage systems (ESS) market in Russia. As part of this effort, Russia can claim a significant share of the emerging global hydrogen fuel market. In this market, mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and foreign countries is possible, based on solving the specific energy problems faced by each party.

The hydrogen energy systems market is a market for energy and chemical engineering products used to store electricity in the hydrogen cycle, i.e., to produce, store, transport and generate energy from hydrogen fuel.

If you have suggestions for regulatory changes that allow the hydrogen energy systems market to develop more actively, please write to us below.
Active Energy Complex (AEC)
Energy Storage Systems (ESS)
Demand aggregators
Digital grids
Hydrogen energy
Write to us!
Acceleration of regions
The NTI EnergyNet Infrastructure Centre (hereinafter referred to as the "IC") organises work on the development of regional digital/smart energy ecosystems on the basis of the Regional Standard of the National Technology Initiative.
Goal: to involve scientific and engineering teams, universities, manufacturing companies, regional energy companies and the administration of Russian regions in the implementation of the EnergyNet National Technology Initiative action plan.
Step 1.
— Proactive people from the region of the Russian Federation, with the support of their local Boiling Point, organise the regional working group for EnergyNet
 — They send the minutes of the working group founding meeting to the IC by e-mail:
Step 2.
With the support of the IC, the regional working group elaborates the priority areas of work related to the EnergyNet roadmap as well as the key project areas.
Step 3.
At the initiative of the regional working group, with the support of the regional Boiling Point and IC, an agreement on strategic cooperation between the administration of the Russian Federation region and the IC is drawn up and signed for the purpose of providing administrative and political support for the implementation of priority areas of work.
Step 4.
At the initiative of the regional working group with the administrative and resource support of the administration of the Russian Federation region and interested organisations, the IC carries out the intensive acceleration of EnergyNet regional projects with the involvement of industry and technology experts and/or development of an EnergyNet regional roadmap.
Step 5.
As part of the implementation of the EnergyNet regional roadmap, technological projects prepared by the initiators and complex pilot projects, with the support of the IC, are examined with respect to the market, architectural, technological, and regulatory aspects. The project leaders receive advice on the use of various forms of NTI support, as well as recommendations on project implementation.
Project review
You may send your project to the EnergyNet Architectural Technology Committee (ATC) for review. All submitted applications are entered in the project register and the selected projects will be reviewed at one of the ATC meetings.

To review the project at the ATC meeting, you will need to fill in the project summary.

The presentation must meet the following requirements in terms of structure:
1. Brief information about the project: goals, results, team
2. Agenda
3. Proposed solution, readiness level
4. Scientific novelty
5. Comparison with counterparts in terms of technical and economic indicators
6. Solution production chain, cooperation (if production is planned)
7. Market assessment
8. Economic impact assessments
9. Request to WG and EnergyNet community
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